The annual end of year IFG Favourite Films of All Time poll

Top Films

Every year the IFG will produce a list of participants’ top films of all time.  Participants will have the opportunity to submit their top 30 films and the results will be collated, analysed and debated.  Whilst many of your top films may not change from year to year the poll will be conducted each year to allow you the opportunity to incorporate any new films you have seen and to take into consideration the top films of new participants.

It might be an idea to start working on your list!

The number of films and any criteria are open for discussion.


It was decided that the lists should be your TOP 50 films.

Note: Although your Top 50 films will not need to be in definitive order, weighted points will be allocated to each film, therefore: Top 1-10 = 5 points, Top 11-20 = 4 points, … Top 41-50 = 1 point.

85 thoughts on “The annual end of year IFG Favourite Films of All Time poll

  1. Pingback: Welcome to the International Film Group | Oasis of Fear

  2. Yeah, cool idea, Rob! 30 is a good number, too, since I started out with around that many movies to get to my top 10!

    Liked by 2 people

      • Yeah i think we’ll discover some more shared faves with 30. With 10 you really feel you need to narrow it down and want to show some diversity in genre, country, time period. I’m sure we’ll see some more Hitchcocks, Almodovars, noirs, etc. with the broader range :-)).

        Liked by 1 person

      • It’s definitely more diverse! IMDB top 250 seems to be very straight guyish, i.e. a vastly disproportionate amount of scifi and gangster films. Which isn’t bad in itself but it’s just very imbalanced.

        Liked by 1 person

      • True. I was looking through the top 250 last week and grading all the ones I had seen (the ones that I had seen recently enough to pass judgement) and I was surprised at how much it has changed since I last looked. More anime, animation, gangster and sentimental stuff than I would have liked. It is very imbalanced.

        Liked by 1 person

      • While I appreciate you answering my post, I am a bit shocked you are not dancing in the streets like all true Brits right now. I guess this makes you one of the riff-raff. SAD!

        Liked by 1 person

      • How many movies have you guys seen from the IMDB top 250 ? I have seen all from the top 34, 84 from the top 100 and 173 of all 250 (I can check easily as I rate all the movies I see on imdb). From the ones I’m missing there are mostly foreign language films, animes and some classics.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Now we have more participants there are FIVE films with two votes each in the top tens on the participant profile page 🙂 Is this an indication of the top films in our end of year poll???


  4. I think that we need to decide well in advance of the “end of year poll” how the votes will be used. I have three ways that I am considering and would appreciate your opinions:

    1) Your top 50 films are listed in order and your number one film is allocated 50 points and your 50th film is allocated one point, this then reflects the popularity of the films and keeps the option of presenting two different versions of the results (number of votes and number of points). This works particularly well if not many people are taking part.
    2) Your top 50 films are just listed in any order. This limits the analysis opportunities and also it is very likely that there will be a lot of films with the same number of votes; however it is, perhaps, the easiest version for participants who struggle to rank their films.
    3) Your top 50 films are allocated points in bands. Therefore your top 10 gets five points, 11-20 get four points ….41-50 get one point. This is like a compromise – easier to position your films, but the weighting should ensure most films have different points totals.

    I have a preference for the first option as it should produce interesting results and also still allows the data to be presented in the other two ways, but I would value your opinions…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think option 1 is the best as it will reflect our preferences more accurately. However if people have trouble ranking all 50 films option 3 is a good compromise.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I did run a favourite film poll several years ago – people had to list their top 100 films in order with 100 points for their number one film down to one point for their 100th film (about 125 people took part). The “in order” bit caused lots of complaints, but I think they saw the benefit of it when the results were published. I used to present the results in three ways – Total points, Total Votes and Average points. None of the versions were perfect but were all interesting and with very different results. Some of the people said that they struggled with the order, but they just made sure they were in the right position in categories of tens (that is positions 1-10, 11-20, etc). We will see if any of the others has an opinion on the matter 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    • Defimitely NOT 1 – sorry but most of us are not autistic and able or willing to rank all movies ever in some sort of exact order. That’s frankly bizarre and defeats the purprose of art for me. Also the easier it is the more participants there will be.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I have just noticed that we have a busy time ahead of us for the remainder of the year 🙂 Here is a rough guide so you know what is coming up. It might change somewhat, but for now:

    1) August/September/October/November: The weekly polls will continue – hopefully they will act as a good reminder of films people may have forgotten/may want to see.
    2) Early September: The ratings of IFG 2: Wild Tales will be published.
    3) Late September: The ratings of IFG 3: The Breakfast Club will be published.
    4) Late September/Early October: Send your suggestions for the poll to decide the November and December films. The poll will follow in mid-October.
    5) Late October: The ratings of IFG 4: Snowpiercer will be published. The films for November and December will be announced.
    6) Throughout November: Submit your lists of Favourite 50 Films for the end of year poll.
    7) Late November: The ratings of IFG 5: ?? will be published
    8) Late November/Early December: Send your suggestions for the poll to decide the January, February and March films. The poll will follow in mid-December.
    9) Late December: The ratings of IFG 6: ?? will be published and the films for January, February and March will be announced AND THE RESULTS OF THE END OF YEAR POLL WILL BE PUBLISHED!!!!

    Busy, busy, busy!


  6. Pingback: IFG Poll 6: Favourite Rotten Tomatoes Top 15 Films | Oasis of Fear

  7. Pingback: IFG Poll 10: Top Thrillers (Version 2) | Oasis of Fear

  8. Pingback: IFG Poll 11: Favourite Christopher Nolan Films | Oasis of Fear

    • Nice! I’m also considering around 100 (maybe a bit more) films for my all time top 50. I’ve been rewatching many of them lately and it has been so much fun! 😀

      Liked by 2 people

      • I have – yes I’m dorky – an Excel table with all my films and TV shows including key words for each – so I started off by highlighting the ones I thought could be my top films and try to go over it, re-watch some films, and then cut some till I get to 50. Also trying to avoid films that are too similar or too many in same style. Down to 80-something now, maybe I’ll get to 50 in time for the deadline 😉

        Liked by 2 people

      • I had a ranking already with all the movies I liked and loved. I’ve been rating movies for a long time and whenever I see a new one I keep adding to the list, but since there has passed some time since I’ve seen some movies the ranking is not very exact. So now I’m rewatching the ones that I rated between 9.5 and 10 (plus some 9s and even 8s that I think I might like more now) to prepare my all time top 50.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Yeah rankings change over time, too; I’ve re-watched some films that I used to love and now I thought they were just OK – they just fit a particular moment in my life whereas others like Blade runner or Vertigo I think I will always enjoy.

        Liked by 3 people

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  16. Pingback: IFG Poll 18: Favourite Horror Films Since 2000 (IndieWire) | Oasis of Fear

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  19. Pingback: IFG Poll 21: Favourite Martin Scorsese Films | Oasis of Fear

  20. Pingback: The IFG Review Poll | Oasis of Fear

  21. Pingback: IFG Poll 22: Favourite Highest Grossing Films of all time (inflation adjusted) | Oasis of Fear

  22. Pingback: IFG Poll 23: Favourite David Cronenberg Films | Oasis of Fear

  23. Pingback: IFG Poll 24: Favourite Top Sci Fi Films (Time Out) | Oasis of Fear

  24. Pingback: IFG Poll 25: Favourite John Carpenter Films | Oasis of Fear

  25. Pingback: IFG Poll 26: Favourite Top Rated Crime Films | Oasis of Fear

  26. Pingback: IFG Poll 27: Favourite Peter Jackson Films | Oasis of Fear

  27. Pingback: IFG 28: Favourite Christian Bale Films | Oasis of Fear

  28. Pingback: IFG Poll 29: Favourite Marlon Brando Films | Oasis of Fear

  29. Pingback: IFG Poll 30: Favourite Judi Dench Films | Oasis of Fear

  30. Pingback: IFG 5: The Third Man (Carol Reed, 1949) | Oasis of Fear

  31. Pingback: Coming Soon: IFG 6: Capernaum (Nadine Labaki, 2018) | Oasis of Fear

  32. Pingback: IFG Poll 31: Favourite Daniel Craig Films | Oasis of Fear

  33. Pingback: IFG Poll 32: Favourite Gregory Peck Films | Oasis of Fear

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