The IFG Review Poll


I want to make the blog as interesting and enjoyable as possible and would appreciate some feedback.Β  This will help finalise the calendar of events for 2020 so you can see at a glance what is going on and when.

In terms of activities and posts, so far we have:

The monthly IFG Film (Every month)

Coming Soon: IFG 4: Snowpiercer (Bong Joon-ho, 2013)

IFG 5 & IFG 6 Film Selection

This is set in stone!Β  You can nominate films to be included in the selection poll which will take place every three months selecting the next three films. The only upcoming changes are that there will be fewer films to choose from and you will be allowed to vote for more films.Β  It is likely that as of the next poll there will be 10 films and you will have six votes – this is to avoid the tie-break situation.

The annual Top 50 Film Poll (Every November, results to be every December)

The annual end of year IFG Favourite Films of All Time poll

This will take place annually so you can amend your top 50 and also to take into consideration any new participants.Β  Your top 50 films need to be sent to me by the end of November.Β  Do you want a reveal night for the results?

The weekly polls (sort of two polls weekly)

IFG Poll 20: Favourite Highest Grossing Films of All Time (Box Office Mojo)

IFG Poll 21: Favourite Martin Scorsese Films

These polls were initially started as reminders of films you may have overlooked for compiling your Top 50 films, with the intention of stopping them when the votes have been submitted. As the polls are quite popular, would you like them to be a weekly continual feature?

The IFG Approved Oscars (Every October)

The IFG Approved 2019 Oscars – The Results

You get the chance to vote for the winner of the nominated films.Β  There were not many votes this year, but it was a last minute decision to run this feature – hopefully next year there will be more votes.

The Oscar predictions (Every January after the nominations have been announced)

Oscar Predictions 2019/20

If you wish, you can use your Oscar knowledge to predict the winners of the awards once the nominations have been announced.

Upcoming Films

Films to look out for in November 2019

Razvan kindly lets us know if films that may be of interest each month.


Below are some suggestions others and myself have had.Β  Please vote for the things you would like to see:

Two additional IFG Films

We have had some films that came close to being chosen, so it has been suggested that we have two additional film viewings each year with films selected from those that were almost selected.Β  This would mean that for two months of the year there would be two films to watch, making it 14 films a year.

Annual IFG Awards

Like the Oscars, but we choose the nominations!Β  For the main categories you would get the chance to nominate films of your choice from the previous year.Β  It is anticipated that you could nominate up to five films/performances for each category.Β  The results would be collated and announced, probably in May.

The Oscars Revisited Section

Every few months (TBD) a year would be chosen and those that wish to could watch and rate the Best Picture nominations from that year.Β  Often you may have seen some of the films so it would be a matter of watching the ones you have not seen and providing a rating.Β  The deadline would be loose, so the page will be updated as and when I receive any ratings.Β  We can then see if the films stand the test of time and if we agree with the winner.Β  For example, if we chose 1965, those wishing to take part should watch: My Fair Lady (winner), Becket (nominee), Dr. Strangelove (nominee), Mary Poppins (nominee) and Zorba the Greek (nominee) and provide ratings for each of the films as they see them over the voting period.

Individual Reviews

Perhaps you feel like providing a review of a film you have just seen.Β  Perhaps there is a forgotten classic that you want to bring to the attention of others.Β  Maybe you just want to be creative and write something longer than your comments on one of the monthly IFG Films.Β  This section would be for any of the participants wishing to write a review of a film.Β  Any film.Β  If it is of interest, you could send me all the details and I will create a post for your review.

So, please let me know your thoughts about the potential features:

  1. A reveal night for the results of the Annual Top 50 Poll
  2. The Weekly Polls to continue
  3. Two additional IFG ‘second-chance’ Films
  4. An Annual IFG Awards
  5. An Oscars Revisited Section
  6. An Individual Reviews Section
  7. None of the above – leave it as it is

Please vote below in the poll for the features you would like to see.Β  Remember, it is not a commitment to take part in any of them, but you are voting for what you would like to see on the blog.Β  Many thanks!


1st December 2019 Update:Β  Thank you to everyone who voted in the poll.Β  We will probably have some sort of review every six months or so to make sure the site is as interesting as possible.Β  For now the three additional features will be:

  1. A reveal night for the results of the Annual Top 50 Poll
  2. The Weekly Polls to continue
  3. Two additional IFG ‘second-chance’ Films

More details will follow.Β  For now the calendar for 2020 looks like this:

IFG Calendar 2020

22 thoughts on “The IFG Review Poll

  1. Pingback: IFG Poll 22: Favourite Highest Grossing Films of all time (inflation adjusted) | Oasis of Fear

  2. Pingback: IFG Poll 23: Favourite David Cronenberg Films | Oasis of Fear

  3. Pingback: IFG Poll 24: Favourite Top Sci Fi Films (Time Out) | Oasis of Fear

  4. Pingback: IFG Poll 25: Favourite John Carpenter Films | Oasis of Fear

  5. Pingback: IFG Poll 26: Favourite Top Rated Crime Films | Oasis of Fear

  6. Pingback: IFG Poll 27: Favourite Peter Jackson Films | Oasis of Fear

  7. Pingback: IFG 28: Favourite Christian Bale Films | Oasis of Fear

  8. Pingback: IFG Poll 29: Favourite Marlon Brando Films | Oasis of Fear

  9. Pingback: IFG Poll 30: Favourite Judi Dench Films | Oasis of Fear

  10. Pingback: IFG 5: The Third Man (Carol Reed, 1949) | Oasis of Fear

  11. Pingback: Coming Soon: IFG 6: Capernaum (Nadine Labaki, 2018) | Oasis of Fear

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