32 thoughts on “Coming Soon: IFG 12: Blinded by the Light (Gurinder Chadha, 2019)

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  3. I’m really curious to see it because I spent several weeks spread over 3 months in London last year and this movie seemed to be advertised on every single bus I saw!

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    • Haha that’s not always a good sign!! But I’ll say no more for now…:) by the way I’m having mixed feelings for Unforgotten…I’m really enjoying it and I’m loving the diversity and the social awareness of the storylines but it also feels a bit too formulaic and closer to a soap than to a police thriller… I have no problem with soaps of course, but I just find the acting and characterization a bit over the top some times…it’s fun but it can also be jarring. Every time I saw the Philip Cross guy acting with his eyebrows for instance I was finding it hard not to burst out laughing… I’m now in season 2…and it feels a bit repetitive but interesting nonetheless…

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      • Season 2 was my fave my fellow Scorpio and Scot Mark Bonnar is just absolutely breathtaking in it. I saw the series as they came out so had less of a repetitive feeling about it (I did with the 3rd season though and it’s good they took a creative break after that IMO).

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      • Yes, so far the characters in season 2 feel less like caricatures. I really like those two guys. I used to really like Charlie Condou in Coronation Street. And Gemma Jones was phenomenal in season 1. Yes, maybe it’s because I’m watching them all in a row that it feels too repetitive. But it’s also that there is not much of a suspense factor for me. I’m interested to see what happens next but not in an edge-of-my-seat kind of way…and there is too much exposition…it seems like the writers felt the need to spell out everything…

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      • Although I liked the second season finale the best, I have to say season 3 was my favourite because they shook things up a bit and it wasn’t as identical as the previous two had been. And I agree with 4porcelli’s earlier comment that Mark Bonnar really shone in season 2. I look forward to seeing what they do next if they make a 4th one. 🙂

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      • Glad you are enjoying it 🙂 I think with the third series they spent more time on the detectives personal lives (I have not seen it since it was on TV so I may be remembering it incorrectly). The 4th one is due to air later in the year.

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      • @Debbie re your most recent comment – I agree season 3 did shae up the formula a bit but that led the series into another trope IMO, namely the charismatic Hannibal Lecter type serial killer (and rapist). My other prob was that the potential killers were – leaving aside the artist-turned-caravan-resident – rich white guys. Which coem to think of it was probably intentional as you were then supposed to think they teamed up to cover a murder one of their mates did.

      • Yes, I agree that using the trope of the charismatic killer is not new…and it kind of was glaringly obvious from the beginning that he was set up for it, by the early subplot of his trial etc., but even so I found the plot-line of covering behind middle class respectability an interesting one…yes, and thinking about its formal concerns with diversity, especially this last series is an indictment of white capitalist patriarchy…the other crimes were more ambiguous in terms of their psychological basis (more so the second one than the 1st, but still there was an attempt to sympathise with the killer despite her horrendous act and the covering up, etc.). it’s interesting that Cassie is having an existential crisis now though…but we’ll see what happens next…I hope she doesn’t retire…


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  16. Saw it yesterday. I will put a more nuanced comment soon, but mainly my reaction was just one huge smile. It is a pure nostalgia fest, and the soundtrack is, as maybe predicted for a film about Springsteen music and set in the 1980s, pretty awesome. I would rate it a 9 overall (I’ve deducted a point purely because no film is ever perfect). This song gets a decent play too :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDIDawmeeI0

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