IFG Poll 82: Favourite Gael García Bernal Films

Here, by popular demand, is the Gael García Bernal poll – what are your FIVE favourite of his films?  Vote in the poll below.




By the 31st May 2020 please send your rating for: Coming Soon: IFG 12: Blinded by the Light (Gurinder Chadha, 2019)

Vote in the poll to decide IFG 16/17 here: IFG 16 (17) Film Selection (Poll 2)

And vote for the Second Chance September film here: Second Chance Poll: September IFG 16/17 Special Edition

Take a look at the films coming up in May and vote for the ones you are most looking forward to here: Films to look out for in May 2020

Bored? Then have a go at the film puzzles: Puzzle Time

Nomination Time: Time to consider who you would have awarded the Oscars to for films in 2019.  Send up to ten nominations for each of the following categories:

Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Director, Best Film in the English Language and Best Film in a Foreign Language

More details to follow, but additional information can be found here: IFG Awards Discussion Board



40 thoughts on “IFG Poll 82: Favourite Gael García Bernal Films

      • Yeah I think that may be sth for separate polls? Best Disney, best Gibli, etc… it’s sth people either love or hate. Like I have zero interest in Animé or in Disney since the “princess era” started (Coco being a notable exception).

      • I like animation when it is used as an practical way to tell a story (two favourites of mine are Watership Down and Persepolis). I don’t have a lot of time for minions fucking about. I know I have missed out on some great films, but I am just never in the mood for them. In my defence, with live action films I do prefer serious films to comedies. I just do not like having fun! 🙂

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      • LOL if you don’t like havungt fun you are living in the perfect era in the perfect country for it ;-).
        Minions were a total plague over here; there seemed to be a period of about a hour where every single shop from supermarkets to upmarket parfumeries seemed to offer Minions crap; they must have made bazillions from brand tie-ins. It was super annoying, just an endless array of products.

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      • I love animé. I recently watched Kiki’s Delivery Service and really enjoyed it. Was expecting something much more for kiddies but I think I got much more out of it as an adult. Disney are a mixed bunch some I like some I find boring…A really great animated film I watched recently was The Book of Life. But then there’s also a very different kind of animation like the film Loving Vincent (2017) which is a beautiful masterpiece!! Rob, you may find this kind more interesting because the actor is turned into an animation so the performance feels as real as live-action.

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  1. As we established last week, Debbie and I are both madly in love with Gael – talented, gorgeous and extremely likeable; he also seems to be quite good in picking his scripts so it was very hard to limit my choices to Bad education, No, Motorcycle diaries, Even the rain and Il museo.
    He’s also done some great TV with his manic energy as Mozart in the jungle (which also gives a very good feel of NYC) and I just got ahold of a Mexican show he did, Aqui en la tierra; have to brush up my Spanish with a few subbed Spanish films before I tackle that one!

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    • Glad to oblige on this occasion 🙂 I have Even the Rain on DVD, but not watched it yet – glad that it is getting votes – it will encourage me to watch it soon! I was interested in seeing it because I think Luis Tosar is great!

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      • He’s also great in Celda 211, Mientras duermas and Una pistola en cada mano.
        Buh he’s no GGB ;-).

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      • I had to look those up as, whilst in the UK we keep the original language and use subtitles, we do mess with the titles! Loved Cell 211 and Sleep Tight, but not seen the other one yet – but now I want to! I am more Team Tosar 🙂 Have you seen him in Take My Eyes (Te doy mis ojos)?

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      • LOL well I had to look up Te doy mis ojos; first hit was the Spanish Wikipedia page where it was described as a social drama about violence against women so that doesn’t really sound appealing to me; there’s enough trauma in the real world. I’m assuming he was cast as a perpetrator, going by type.

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      • I always prefer the social drama aspects couched into a more entertaining story; I like a bit of glamour and pizzazz – i.e. I see the qualities of Mike Leigh films but usually just not my thing. Many of them would work very well as plays I think; for some reason I’m more open to such themes on stage – perhaps because that fits the intimacy of the stories better IMO?

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      • I do agree. When I said serious films I counted things like Made in Dagenham which had some really funny moments in it, but a central serious story. Like Pride – I guess that is a comedy drama.

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      • Yes I like a bit of comedy (Dagenham was OK actually; just not one of my faves) or uplifting. If I want just downright depressing I can just go to the local park or metro transfer points and see junkies and alcoholics. Numbers that will sadly increase once we emerge from the corona mess. We’re opening up step by step here and you can at last feel how the general mood is lifting a bit.

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      • I have been avoiding the news, particularly about the UK government, so I need my depressing films at the moment 🙂 Glad to hear things are opening. As I have been avoiding the news, does that mean Germany has banned Minions? Has there been a Minion Amnesty where you can hand in your Minion paraphernalia (aka crap) with no questions asked?

        Liked by 2 people

      • LOL! I remember buying a Minions cake that had been lurking in the eftover frozen foods section for literally months just so I could throw it against some rocks. To this day I feel guilty a stray cat or fox might have posioned themselves by eating parts of it.

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      • Please do a poll of favourite Minions films. There must be hundreds of them.

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      • Would be well-earned. Minions are probably one of the top ten box office attractions of the past decade.


      • Very nice; I haven’t seen that one in forever! I’ll get to it once I’m done reviewing and re-ranking Minions vs. Transformers vs. favourite X-Factor episodes.

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      • Please share your spreadsheets and I will set you up a page when you have done your analysis.

        We now just need to decide on Mephisto or Stalker – a third poll has been required!

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      • Can’t be Stalker because Tarkowski can only be viewed in reverse order. A very stable genius once wrote.

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      • So funny! The cake on the rocks! Lol and yes Luis Tosar has been tainted for me because I think Take My Eyes was the first film with him I watched so in my subconscious he will always be tainted by that…but he is a brilliant actor and he was great in El Niño (2014) as well.

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  2. Oh yes! Thank you Rob! I second the above comment! I will therefore refrain from gushing…:) Letters from Juliet is an affront to his oeuvre, not because it is a nauseatingly sugary rom-com, but because (spoiler alert) the protagonist dumps him for a bland caricature of a Romeo type. Totally absurd and shameful casting and screenwriting… 🙂 I hope he made good money for his appearance in it though… Anyway….I went for No, The Motorcycle Diaries, Even The Rain, Y Tu Mama Tambien and The Kindergarten Teacher. An interesting film with him I watched a few months ago is Hector Babenco’s El Pasado. After I watched it I was…”what was all that about?” but then I watched Ema and I appreciated El Pasado a bit more…both are highly allegorical films that benefit from re-watching I think….

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      • I agree, of course. i actually don’t think I have seen any other TV series (apart from Friends) more than once. Mozart in the Jungle I restarted the moment I finished it!! 🙂 Btw you were right about Unforgotten, spacing out the episodes a bit makes it more enjoyable, and you are more happy to overlook a few imperfections. It’s a very different format to The Fall, and it might have suffered in my estimation because I started it expecting a very similar experience…

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    • You are right about Unforgotten not being a binge-watch show; because they have to jump between the suspects it probably seems highly formulaic when watched back-to back whereas The fall is like a long movie so you want to see what happens next. Line of duty is another show I (mostly) really enjoy but I think it’d be horrible bingening because you’d feel “OK, that half-hour interrogation scene was great but now there’s another?!”

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      • True – I think some series nowadays seem to be written with binge watching in mind. Each series of Unforgotten that I have watched I have watched when it was being broadcast on ITV, so had a week between episodes. The same with Marcella – I think binge watching that would ruin the experience. I watched Line of Duty on DVD, but found that I enjoyed it more when I stuck to two episodes a day 🙂

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  3. My favourites in the list are Y Tu Mama Tambien and the Science of Sleep, though I voted for a couple of other ones as well. I remember finding the Science of Sleep so original when I saw it at the cinema that I got the dvd and rewatched it. Nice use of effects.

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  4. I have seen just a few movies of his and most of them I wasn’t a fan of, but he was good in them. My favourite by far is Coco who is among the best animations from the last decade. 🙂

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