The IFG Approved Empire Top 50 Films of the 21st Century

Empire needed our help with their Top 50 films of the 21st Century.Β  They were close with some of their rankings, but they really did need an overhaul.

Ten people took part in the survey and surprisingly there were several films that all participants had seen: Donnie Darko, Casino Royale, Zodiac, Gladiator, Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and Lord of the Rings: Return of the King.Β  The films seen by the least amount of participants were: Hunt for the Wilderpeople (3) and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (3).

Some notes about the results:

  1. The IFG ranking is calculated by the total points (adding all of the 1-5 points) and dividing by the number of people who saw the film.
  2. The results are shown in reverse order (50-1) with the films Empire chose alongside our results.
  3. Films with more than five votes are in bold as it was deemed that these positions were more reliable than the films seen by fewer people.
  4. Finally, it must be noted that no descriptor was added to the point options so there may not be consistency in the individual ratings (that is, for example, 2 points might mean something slightly different to another voter).

Here are the results:





And our top ten…



So, are we happier with the results now?



By the end of January 2020: Don’t forget to send me your score for:Β Coming Soon: IFG7: Everybody Knows (Asghar Farhadi, 2018)

Have your say on who SHOULD win and who WILL win the Oscars.Β  Please email me your predictions.Β  Further details are here:Β The IFG Oscar Winner Predictions

Please email me your suggestions for the IFG 11, 12 & 13 poll (which will decide the next three monthly films).Β  The poll will open in February.

15 thoughts on “The IFG Approved Empire Top 50 Films of the 21st Century

  1. Pingback: IFG Survey: Score Empire’s Greatest Movies of the Century so far. | Oasis of Fear

  2. I am a bit happier. My personal top ten from Empire’s list would include (not in order):
    Get Out (2017)
    Arrival (2016)
    Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
    Children of Men (2006)
    God’s Own Country (2017)
    The Dark Knight (2008)
    Mulholland Drive (2001)
    Zodiac (2007)
    Inception (2010)
    Casino Royale (2006)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. At least 2 non US film in the Top 10 and the top 2 are animated… but seen by less than 5 people. In other words, animated movies are currently some of the best cinema but it’s being ignored by festivals, academies… and even film enthusiasts! That’s sad, as I was once asked to rank my favorite films of the decade and I had “Inside Out” second to Kechiche’s “Blue is the warmest color”… Many very boring blockbusters are overrated here too (but the fact they were in the top 50 to begin with is down to Empire, not us).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Indeed, considering the number of animated and non-US films in the list, our top 10 is quite diverse.
      My ACTUAL top 10 from the 21st Century would be very different. It would have to be narrowed down from this 20: Mulholland Drive, Zodiac, Children of Men, God’s Own Country, 5 x 2, About Elly, Evil, Far From Heaven, The Imitation Game, Incendies, Keeper of Lost Causes, Lady Macbeth, Melancholia, Mysterious Skin, Pride, Skyfall, Sophie Scholl, Tears for Sale, Tell No One and Telstar.


  4. Pingback: IFG Poll 43: Favourite Mads Mikkelsen Films | Oasis of Fear

  5. Pingback: IFG Poll 44: Favourite Ingrid Bergman Films | Oasis of Fear

  6. I must say that I prefer slightly the Empire ranking πŸ˜› but nevertheless great job with this Rob! πŸ™‚
    Here is my top 10 from Empire’s list:
    Interstellar (2014)
    Inception (2010)
    The Dark Knight (2008)
    Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
    La La Land (2016)
    Arrival (2016)
    Whiplash (2014)
    Joker (2019)
    Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
    Children of Men (2006)

    Is there anyone else who has seen all the movies from this list btw ? πŸ™‚ I am only not sure about Avengers: Assemble (2013), I assumed it is actually The Avengers (2012) ? as on iMDb Avengers: Assemble (2013) is an animation tv series.
    Oh and I was very surprised to see 2 animation movies topping our ranking, although I do love Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.


  7. Good job Rob!
    I guess I’m the only one to not have watched “Lost in translation” πŸ˜›

    My top stuff out of these

    Mulholland Dr
    Donnie Darko
    Blade runner 2049
    Eternal Sunshine of a spotless mind
    Kill Bill
    The Irishman
    Call me by your name
    Pan’s labyrinth
    Get out

    I still haven’t watched quite a few!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Don’t watch it; it’s incredibly tedious. Usually I can figure out why a film I dislike is highly rated but the reputation of “Lost in translation” is a mystery to me. I’m not sure but it may be 8 hours long.

      Liked by 1 person

      • LOL!
        I couldn’t help but be struck by how 9 people had seen it and it had the lowest rating. Still, some must have given it a 5 – anyone able to share what you enjoyed about the film? I’m genuinely curious.


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