IFG Poll 11: Favourite Christopher Nolan Films



This man has yet to make a bad film.  Or do you think otherwise?  Vote for your top THREE Nolan films.



By the end of September 2019: Don’t forget to send me your list of potential nominees for the November and December IFG Films!  The only criteria is that the films must be listed on IMDb and the films must have had a physical media release with English subtitles (if necessary).

By the end of September 2019: Don’t forget to send me your score for:  IFG 3: The Breakfast Club (John Hughes, 1985)

By the 15th October 2019: Have your say in the IFG Approved Oscars: The 2019 Oscars (IFG Approved)

By the end of November 2019: Send me your list of your favourite 50 films of all time for the Annual Poll: The annual end of year IFG Favourite Films of All Time poll

Note: Although your Top 50 films will not need to be in definitive order, weighted points will be allocated to each film, therefore: Top 1-10 = 5 points, Top 11-20 = 4 points, … Top 41-50 = 1 point.

10 thoughts on “IFG Poll 11: Favourite Christopher Nolan Films

  1. This guy is incredible! I liked all 10 of his films and 6 of them are in contention for my all time top 50! 😮 If you look at my all time top 10 you can see that 3 of them are from Nolan and those are the ones I voted for: Interstellar, Inception and The Dark Knight.

    Can’t wait for his next movie, Tenet that comes out next year!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Memento, The prestige and Batman begins for me… Memento is pure genius (though like 6th sense it’s not nearly as effective on repeat viewing). Prestige is really amazing, classic Hollywood ,level – v. good adaptation; I also recommand the book. I didn’t realize he directed the Insomnia remake – more intimate than his usual films and we really didn’t need the remake; the Norwegian original wins hands down for me. Along with Fincher and Almodovar probably one of the top directors working today.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I agree – the original Insomnia was perfect and did not need a remake. I also agree with the comment about Fincher and Almodovar…however I do prefer Almodovar’s early works as they were more edgy.


      • Yes his work has changed as he got older – I love both bzt probably have a closer connection for (most of) the cycle that started with All about my mother since I saw them at the cinema.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Memento BY MILES. Both Inception and Interstellar are very good but only pale in comparison though I voted for the former. The Batman films are kinda overrated. Prestige took my 3rd vote as we all love some magic ! 😜


    • I agree on Memento vs. Inception: It’s yet another case in film/TV of trying to top a great piece of work by getting more complex and convoluted so people on Reddit get their briefs wet – Inception is good but, like Interstellar, endless. FWIW it’s worth I’m currently re-watching the sitcom Community and you have a similar effect; the weirder an episode is, the more excitable the fanboys get and you end up thinking “am I tragic more liking this
      Batman – yes, I really liked Nolan’s first but then it just got dark 9/11 for its own sake, amplified by the Heath Ledger tragedy. The third film just kind of coasts on that legend (overshadowed by the Colorado cinema massacre when it opened).

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