IFG Poll 108: Favourite Jamie Lee Curtis Films

She may be most well known for the Halloween franchise (new film coming next year), but there are plenty of other films to enjoy Jamie in.  Please vote for your top FIVE of her films in the poll below.



By 31st July 2020 please send your rating for: Coming Soon: IFG 14: The Imitation Game (Morten Tyldum, 2014)

POSTPONED: The IFG Awards will now be later in the year, but please do send your nominations ASAP: Time to consider who you would have awarded the Oscars to for films in 2019.  Coming Soon: IFG 2019 Awards

Please start thinking about any films you would like to nominate for selection.  The poll to select the films for October, November and December will be published late July/early August.


12 thoughts on “IFG Poll 108: Favourite Jamie Lee Curtis Films

  1. Scream queen indeed; my votes went to the originals of Halloween and The fog (an inexplicable fave of mine), H20 and two fo her comic roles,w hich she’s quite good at, Fierece creatures and A fish called Wanda. I’d like her see do a comedy series for someone like Netflix.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sorry, full of typos – on the plus side I can finally see the polls in my regular browser; always had to switch to my backup do them until about 2 weeks ago!

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  2. She’s a good actress but it seems I haven’t seen that many of her films. I’ve seen 5 from this list and out of those I’ve voted for Knives Out and True Lies.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love love love Jamie Lee! The ultimate scream queen. She’s survived so many horror movies that she’s very likely to survive the nuclear holocaust along with cockroaches. My votes went to:

    Halloween (1978)
    The Fog (1980)
    Trading Places (1983)
    A Fish Called Wanda (1988)
    My Girl (1991)

    She’s hilarious in the series “Scream Queens” in which she was one of the main characters. Highly recommended!

    Liked by 2 people

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