IFG Poll 10: Top Thrillers (Version 2)



That last Thrillers poll was an absolute disaster caused by the problems of using IMDb ratings with such an long random-order list and the subjective nature of genre.  So I have closed that poll and we will try again with a more thrillery list 🙂


You can select up to FOUR of your favourite Thrillers from Time Out’s Top 100 Thrillers.

The full list can be found at: https://www.timeout.com/london/film/best-thriller-movies



By the end of September 2019: Don’t forget to send me your list of potential nominees for the November and December IFG Films!

By the end of September 2019: Don’t forget to send me your score for:  IFG 3: The Breakfast Club (John Hughes, 1985)

By the 15th October 2019: Have your say in the IFG Approved Oscars: The 2019 Oscars (IFG Approved)

By the end of November 2019: Send me your list of your favourite 50 films of all time for the Annual Poll: The annual end of year IFG Favourite Films of All Time poll

Note: Although your Top 50 films will not need to be in definitive order, weighted points will be allocated to each film, therefore: Top 1-10 = 5 points, Top 11-20 = 4 points, … Top 41-50 = 1 point.